tisdag 29 juli 2014

For the games.

Thanks to a colleague, I joined a role playing group down at the Student Union of Queens University called Dragonslayers. The amount of wacky shit that went down there, and the ridiculously poor jokes that went on there, made it all absolutely amazing. So here's to Stephen, the creator of the best story I've taken part in. Here's to Hugh, who got me into it, and so often directed the path of the game, regardless of if he was the Dungeon Master or not. Here's to Alex, the most hilarious and epic munchkin I've encountered. Here's to Rory, a generally cool guy who got stabbed repeatedly for being the only sensible person at the table. Here's to Ting and Samuel, who both made any game world they touched erupt into chaos. Here's to Dianne, who brought a fresh perspective and a much needed second sensible mindset to the games. Here's to Zorgash the destructior, who has earned this badass title through both role and roll playing. Here's to Michael – I don't think I've ever laughed as much in any game, until you showed up. Here's to Simon, the cleverest and most resourceful bastard I've had the honour of sharing dice with. Here's to you guys, who make me proud to call myself a tabletop gamer.

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