söndag 2 mars 2014

Land of Glass and Change.

Belfast is the city in the UK with the lowest crime rate, and yet this is the place I see broken glass the most. Windows, bottles, glasses, what have you. Land of glass, definitely. Land of change as well - I have changed a lot, and I keep finding pennies all over the place. I'm used to Swedish coins, very simple - 1, 5, 10 kr. Here we have 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 p, and 1 and 2 pounds, and I rarely use 10 p or below. But enough about that. I just needed a decent title and explanation. So what have I been doing for the last 2 months?
 Bird watching.
 Oh, and my sister came over for a visit. This about sums it up. Her tattoo and me with a pen.
 I met CHRIS HADFIELD, previous commander of the International Space Station. An awesome Canadian astronaut. I waited in line for over an hour to get his autograph, and he risked missing his flight to stay and sign more. When I got to him he said "Sorry about the wait", and I am too starstruck to do more than grin like an idiot.
And I got something from an awesome friend of mine. A German who used to work with me sent me a box containing... Apparently almost nothing. Maybe a pack of skittles.
Surprisingly enough, it DID contain things. A book, a companion rat (until I come back to Sweden to the real rats), a YOU'RE AWESOME card, a pencil case, and some other things. Thank you Zera - you're awesome too!
 A regular brunch with Brie and toast. Omnomnom.
And me looking stylish in a proper blazer. I have shoulders now! :D Thank you Ferruccio.

So, what more has happened? The regular gaming, a few coworkers have left, and a few have arrived. It has turned to spring, and there's this energy in the air. I have a friend that will be visiting in April, and will see the Lego movie this week.
And I finally got my christmas present from my sister. Last week. A mana bar, perfect for nerds like me. :D

PS Lisa is awesome.

1 kommentar:

  1. that's a really nice and kuhl post Mr. Chesire Cat alias I've-grinned-like-an-Idiot :D
